Thursday, October 21, 2010


 I was diagnosed this year with a very advanced rare terminal cancer.  I have been very adamant right from the start that I wasn't going to die, but I started thinking what if I did die?  I'm not one to go into things without a Plan B and I usually decide before hand that if Plan B occurs I will be ok with it.  This has always served me well and I've always been happy with my life choices.  So if I use this theory on cancer I would have to come up with a Plan B for living (which would be dying) and I would have to be ok with this outcome.  The first time I thought about it I was horrified.  How can I be ok with dying? I'm not sure, but as this idea takes shape in my mind I'm getting signs from the universe that this is possible. This is also making me reassess Plan A.  Could I live more awesomely then I do now?  I'm very excited by this project and feel I'm on to something and if I'm not? well at least this is keeping me from watching another rerun of the Jersey Shore!

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